通貨ペア | EURUSD (Euro vs. United States Dollar) |
期間 | 1分足(M1) 2007.01.02 09:00 - 2009.10.30 23:00 (2007.01.01 - 2009.11.01) |
モデル | Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes) |
パラメーター | __TRADING_SETTING="**********
TRADING SETTING **********"; TradingMethod=1; StopLoss=**; TakeProfit=**;
TrailingStop=**; SlipPage=**; MagicNumber=111111; EA_Name="Event Express";
__LOTS_MANAGEMENT="----- Lots Management -----"; LotsPercent=15; FixedLots=0;
__EACH_TRADINTG_SETTING="----- Each Trading Method Setting -----";
__Method1_Pending="----- (Used Pending Order Method only)"; PrepareSecond=**;
OrderSecond=**; PendingOrderDeleteSecond=**; ClosePositionAtDelete=true;
SpacePips=**; IntervalPips=**; OrdersAtOnce=**; Individual_SL_TP=true;
OppositePendingOrderDelete=false; ReversalDirection=false; __TEST_MODE_SETTING="**********
TEST MODE SETTING **********"; Opti_Mode=true; AutoShiftDST_US=true;
AutoShiftDST_EU=false; __OTHER_SETTING="********** OTHER SETTING
**********"; GMT=2; OrderDeleteMode=false; Password="**********"; |
Bars in test | 1044235 | Ticks modelled | 37030594 | Modelling quality | 25.00% |
Mismatched charts errors | 0 | | | | |
Initial deposit | 10000.00 | | | | |
Total net profit | 49153.60 | Gross profit | 141235.30 | Gross loss | -92081.70 |
Profit factor | 1.53 | Expected payoff | 62.70 | | |
Absolute drawdown | 336.00 | Maximal drawdown | 6267.90 (10.19%) | Relative drawdown | 10.19% (6267.90) |
Total trades | 784 | Short positions (won %) | 465 (46.24%) | Long positions (won %) | 319 (53.29%) |
| Profit trades (% of total) | 385 (49.11%) | Loss trades (% of total) | 399 (50.89%) |
Largest | profit trade | 884.00 | loss trade | -455.00 |
Average | profit trade | 366.84 | loss trade | -230.78 |
Maximum | consecutive wins (profit in money) | 10 (1660.00) | consecutive losses (loss in money) | 9 (-3757.50) |
Maximal | consecutive profit (count of wins) | 4489.70 (6) | consecutive loss (count of losses) | -3757.50 (9) |
Average | consecutive wins | 2 | consecutive losses | 2 |